Monday, March 15, 2010

Exponential Growth

They say by the two week check up, a baby should be back up to their birth weight. In Helen's case when we went in for her appointment today, we found that she had gone from her birth weight (7 lbs 11 ozs) to 9 lbs 1 oz! She had also grown a whole inch. These put her in 93 percentile for weight, and 99th for height! Way to go Helen!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Way to go Baby Helen! What a little dolly she is! (She looks a little amazed that she is so healthy!)

  2. She is SO cute! But you don't need me to tell you:)

  3. Way to go, Helen! And, way to go, Mommy and Daddy! You are obviously taking very good care of that darling, little "0-mouth" beauty :o)

  4. Way to grow, Helen! lol Neither Julie nor Ally lost weight after birth either.
