Sunday, December 12, 2010

Chubba Bubba Club 2011!!!!

Now I don't know about the rest of you but I have been trying to get into shape the last little while, what with having had a baby not long ago, and so far it's hard for me to motivate myself. So, for those of you who haven't heard I am starting up another Chubba Bubba Club. Those of you who don't know what that means, it is an 8 week competition to get into shape, the person who loses the largest percentage of their weight combined with an average of inches lost will be the winner. Each week each participant will submit 2 dollars to the pot, at the end of the eight weeks the 'biggest loser' will receive all of the money.
It will be a fun competitive way to get into shape and possibly earn a little extra spending money. Seeing as this is my hairbrained scheme, I will be the score keeper, I will collect the money for the pool and keep track of everyone's progess (don't worry it will be completely confidential, it's mostly just so we can be fair with the scoring.
Pretty much the only limitation is that you must lose the weight HEALTHILY, aka no starving yourself or doing some ridiculous 3oo calorie a day diet plan .Please let me know if you are interested! Any questions, feel free to contact me. So far there are already four members! Also, if you have any friends who might be interested they are welcome to participate as well, just let me know! Call me or reply to this if you are up for this madness!



  1. This sounds like something I would like to do..let me know more abby!

  2. I would join, but I'll be recovering from surgery then, so either I'll gain because I can't exercise, or I'll unfairly lose because I feel like crap all the time.

  3. That's just fine Loretta! Hope all goes well with your surgery!

  4. Yeah...I'm not allowed to participate either...I'll definitely be gaining weight for the next few months, on account of the baby inside me and all!! lol
