Saturday, October 2, 2010


Starting tomorrow Helen will be up for voting as a Gerber Baby Generations Contestant! You can vote once a day and it only takes a few minutes. Here's what you do

1. Go to
2. Click on the blue tab that says where it says "photo search"
3.Then click the red bar that says "Enter your child's photo"
4. Go to the red circle that says "Vote"
5. Look up Helen's name in the search box or type in provo as the location to narrow the baby search.
6 Click on her picture and vote! (oh and you have to check your email and click the link it sends you for the vote to count!)

Please do this guys, the grand prize winner gets a 25,000 scholarship for their baby, talk about cool! Thanks!


  1. Thanks for letting us know! We voted :o) (Oh, but, I almost made a mistake... I didn't realize I needed to enter "Helen Morris"--apparently there's another "Helen" in the contest :? Thankfully, Papa found the right "Heleh"!)

  2. P.S. I meant "Helen"... that's what I get for typing without my glasses :?

  3. I would be all over it, but I'm no longer on Facebook. Is there another link where we can go to vote?

  4. You actually don't need facebook to vote. It's a separate thing just done via facebook.
